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Company Registration Number

This pattern was last updated 19/02/2020, this is version 1.0


Pattern created



A Company Reference Number is the identifier assigned to companies which are registered with Companies House.

At the FSA, it is most frequently used as a property of operator, when the operator is a limited company.

Field formats, data types, and patterns

The pattern for storing company registrations in our services is to use an 8 character alphanumeric string.

Company registrations numbers can be a little inconsistent, but for the most part they are 8 characters and mostly numeric.

In England and Wales they take the format 00000000.

In Scotland and Northern Ireland they are six numbers prefixed by SC or NI respectively. Their pattern is SC000000 or NI000000.

Companies registered with the Charity Commission or the Financial Conduct Authority can have a registration number in a different format, but all of them should fit within an 8 character string.


This gist will be of use if you want to know more about the possible patterns for company registration numbers and their meaning.